Sleeping in Seattle

We are here.  After several weeks of finalizing the decision, making arrangements, saying goodbye in a thousand ways to the people and city that we love – not to mention a trip to Disney World – we packed up our life in New York and got onto a plane to Seattle.  With 14 bags of crap.

Being here so far has been a bit surreal.  We are exploring the city, of course, but that makes it feel like we are on vacation.  Well, vacation where we go to Target pretty much everyday.  Even our temporary housing feels like we’ve rented a condo for a week, like we might if we were going skiing or something – especially with a walk-in closet and a fireplace.  Paul starts work tomorrow, though, and I am pretty sure that the enormity of this will hit me like a ton of bricks at some point this week.

Until that happens, though, I am glad that we’ve been having fun.

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